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Showing posts with label TURKIYE / ASOS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TURKIYE / ASOS. Show all posts

Monday, 16 May 2011


The city was founded from 1000-900 BC by Aeolian colonists from Lesbos, who specifically are said to have come from Methymna. The settlers built a Doric Temple to Athenaon top of the crag in 530 BC.[not in citation given] From this temple Hermias of Atarneus, a student of Plato, ruled Assos, the Troad and Lesbos for a period of time, under which the city experienced its greatest prosperity. (Strangely, Hermias was actually the slave of the ruler of Atarneus.Under his rule, he encouraged philosophers to move to the city. As part of this, in 348 BC Aristotle came here and married King Hermeias's niece, Pythia, before leaving for Lesbos three years later in 345 BC. This 'golden period' of Assos ended several years later when the Persians arrived, and subsequently tortured Hermias to death.
The Persians were driven out by Alexander the Great in 334 BC. Between 241 and 133 BC, the city was ruled by the Kings of Pergamon. However, in 133 BC, the Pergamons lost control of the city as it was absorbed by the Roman empire.
Antik adý Assos olan günümüzdeki adýyla Behramkale Köyü Çanakkale’ nin Ayvacýk ilçesine baðlý MÖ. 1000’li yýllardan bu yana varlýðýný sürdüren bir yerleþim merkezidir.
Arkeolojik verilere göre, Ý.Ö. 10. yüzyýldan itibaren Lesbos’dan (Midilli) gelen Aiolisli göçmenler kente yerleþmeye baþlar. Assos Ý.Ö. 560 yýlýnda Lidya, Ý.Ö. 548 yýlýnda Pers hakimiyetine girer. Ý.Ö. 365 yýlýnda banker Eubulos, Assos þehrinin yöneticisi olarak baðýmsýzlýðýný ilan eder. Eubulos’un ölümünden sonra, kölesi “Hadým” Hermias, Assos üzerinde hakimiyet kurmayý baþarýr. Bitinyalý bir köle olan Hermias’ýn üstün yetenekleri Eubulos’u etkilemiþ olmalýdýr. Bu yüzden Hermias Atina’ya felsefe eðitimi almak için gönderilmiþtir. Platon’un öðrencisi olan Hermias, dostlarý Ksenokrates ve Aristoteles’i Assos’a davet etmiþ ve Aristoteles’in kýz kardeþi  veya evlatlýðý olan Pythias ile evlendirmiþti